Our aim is to join our clients on their journey to experience a better quality of life through doing the things that are important to them. Please see below some of the services we can provide. If you cannot access our services face-to-face, it may be suitable to access our support via tele-health.
Falls Prevention Assessments
Falls prevention assessments may include the OT assessing factors that may be increasing a client's risk of having a fall. The OT will look at a person's functional strengths and difficulties, the tasks that they are engaging in and the environment. The OT may provide recommendations such as environmental modifications, prescription of equipment/assistive devices, training on how to complete tasks in a safer way and referral to other services such as Physiotherapy or Exercise Physiology.
Prescription of Aids/Assistive Technology
The OT may provide assessment and recommendations related to prescription of aids and assistive devices to help a person continue to be able to do the things the want and need to do. It may be that a person is having difficulty with cooking, gardening, or engaging in self-care tasks such as showering and toileting. Or it may be that a person is finding it hard to get in and out of the car or engage in a valued hobby. The OT will provide recommendations and advice regarding what may help to make life a little easier!
Cognitive Screening
Assessment of a client's functional cognition (e.g. their memory, thinking, planning and processing skills) and how it impacts their ability to engage in daily tasks can be completed by our OT team. We can support clients and caregivers to develop strategies to manage cognitive challenges to reduce frustration and promote overall wellbeing.
Home Safety Assessments
Home safety assessments involve the OT completing an assessment of the home and providing recommendations about what may help to make the home safer. It may be that a client is having falls or at risk of leaving the stove turned on. Or it may be that the client is having trouble getting on and off the toilet or leaving the home and becoming lost.
NDIS Support
We support participants applying to access, or who are under the NDIS scheme who are self and plan-managed. This may include completing Functional Capacity Assessments (FCAs), Assistive Technology/Home Modification Assessments and providing ongoing therapy to support participants to achieve their goals.
Home Modifications
Many of our clients require modifications to their homes to ensure that they can continue to do the things they want and need to do, and to remain safe. From bathroom re-design to advice related to minor home modifications such as installation of grab rails, our OT team can assist by working with the client and a registered builder to develop effective solutions.
8-Week Dementia Carer Skills Program
This is an 8-week practical skills program aimed at supporting the informal caregiver of a person with dementia to overcome the challenges of supporting their loved one to remain living at home. It supports carers to develop practical skills and knowledge to help them feel more confident and competent and was developed by our OT team. Groups will run in Term 1 and 4 of the school calendar year. Registrations are required - please contact our team for further details on 0400 917 449.
Care of People with Dementia in their Environment (COPE)
Our occupational therapists are trained in the COPE program. COPE is an evidenced based practical program whereby the occupational therapist works with the carer and the person with dementia. The program aims to help both the person with dementia to engage in daily activities, and the carer to support the person with dementia to live at home.
For more information on COPE, please refer to their website by clicking the link below: